I have a whole virtual and physical bookshelf on organisational leadership and development books. I currently have three books on the go reading different views of what we have gained and lost from working virtually.
Ultimately, one of the main goals of all these books is to create an environment that is healthy. As I survey all that I have read over the years and contemplate what is currently in my ‘to read’ pile, I think you can cut through everything and summarise a healthy organisation when you see this human dynamic in your midst…
I think an organisation is healthy when what is said in public, is close to what is being said in hallway huddles and is also close to the conversation that you are having privately with yourself in your head. There’s a fourth layer, and that is the conversation in your head that you are not aware of… this can result in bias, blind spots, etc.
Having parity in public, private, personal and head conversations is never perfect, but I would argue the higher the integrity, authenticity, trust and mutual appreciation that is present to span these gaps, the more healthy the organisation is. I would also assert we see the best versions of people in this environment, therefore creating the health of the organisation.
So simple, and many would readily mentally assent to wanting this kind of environment or even believe they already have it, yet a lot of the time there is a reluctance to pay the price to make it happen. It is indeed costly and therefore not often seen to the full potential of what could be.