Category: Journal

  • It is 2025. What Matters Most?

    Reflecting on the future possibilities of 2025, I am reminded of the words of the late Clayton M. Christensen, an outstanding Harvard Business School professor. ‘I’ve concluded that the metric by which God will assess my life isn’t dollars but the individual people whose lives I’ve touched.’ I believe this can go both ways. There…

  • Tidy, tidy, tidy…

    Tidy, tidy, tidy…

    Now that my blog is living again, I am tidying up things. I fixed my ‘About’ Page and has a really cool video clip on Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF). I need to fix my contact form. Sadly, it was being abused by spammers. I am also aware that the front graphic and the twitter feed…

  • After Crashing My Blog, I’m Back, but Now There Are Two!

    After Crashing My Blog, I’m Back, but Now There Are Two!

    Do you ever click a button on your computer and instantly know you have done something very, very bad? Well, that’s what happened with my site and it is part of the reason I have been gone for so long. Part of the delay is that I could not figure out how to get my…

  • Books I read in 2022 and will read again

    Books I read in 2022 and will read again

    I love reading… and this quote sums it up! “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.” ~ C.S. Lewis (British writer and lay theologian) Some books in particular will never be long enough and the only answer is to read them more than once.…

  • Breaking up can be hard!

    Breaking up can be hard!

    Working next to the gangway When I was the Managing Director of the m/v Africa Mercy, a Mercy Ships hospital ship, my office was the closest to the gangway. This meant that hundreds of people passed by my office door every day, which was less than three meters away. The gangway and reception area was…

  • It is only you and the mountain!

    It is only you and the mountain!

    A pleasant day out About five years ago I spent the day climbing a 13,000-foot mountain in Colorado. I was in good physical condition and making rapid progress towards the summit. To set my pace I was wearing a Fitbit monitor, keeping my heart rate in an ideal zone for the altitude and my capabilities.…

  • Three Reasons why I use the Humble Notebook

    Three Reasons why I use the Humble Notebook

    I have a paperless office. I rarely print a document and it has been years since I used a filing cabinet. I read more digital books than physical ones and I love my cool digital tools. Technology enables me to do more linked-up thinking than ever before. It is as some would say, ‘my second…

  • North Star Perspectives

    North Star Perspectives

    It has been about a year since I took a break from blogging. More and more I am feeling inclined to do some writing…

  • We’re Back!

    We’re Back!

    10 years ago I took down and we’re back! Now to do some graphics work and start to write some content!