When I moved onboard to direct the Africa Mercy in 2010, it completed a transition that I was on to be paperless. Being on a ship, there was not a lot of room for paper filing cabinets. Additionally, I also travelled a fair bit in Africa, so I needed my office with me at all times.
Digital also had the power to tame complexity. Patient numbers, supply chain, crewing levels, etc. were constantly heading towards me. I was always in the process of delivering our services to a country so I needed to monitor our current plan, while developing the plan for the next. I also needed to keep up to date on the latest news in the region, international development articles and information critical to the global safe surgery agenda. I needed to submit reports and prepare for board meetings. I also did a fair bit of research, speaking and writing. I think you get the picture…
So before it became a thing, I developed a Personal Knowledge Management System. Software wise, an Apple Mac application called DEVONthink, often used by academics, has always been at the core. So has my use of Logos Bible Software. However, other cool tools have come in over the years such as Obsidian and Snipd.
Oddly enough, I still use a field journal for notes. This has been something I don’t think I will ever stop using. If you are in a crisis management situation, nothing beats a piece of paper and a pen! No batteries to recharge and when things are moving fast, the tactile feel of being able to flip to a page where you jotted down a critical piece of information, helps you stay focused in making rapid decisions.
I also use a fair bit of GTD (Get Things Done) methodology and principles from Stephen’s Covey’s First Things First throughout all this system, but as a high level overview, the above diagram paints some of the picture.
If you are into this sort of thing, enjoy and maybe even geek out a bit! If not, this post will probably bore you to tears!