Do you ever click a button on your computer and instantly know you have done something very, very bad? Well, that’s what happened with my site and it is part of the reason I have been gone for so long. Part of the delay is that I could not figure out how to get my site back and I just did not have the ambition to start over. Well, the good news is that I got it back… but wait, there’s more!
How about two sites instead of one?
Part of what this emphasised to me is that I am becoming increasingly tired of WordPress, the technology that is behind this website. I started back in version one many years ago and whilst it required me to do a bit more coding, it was simple and pretty straight forward to use. Now it has become bloated with so much junk and I don’t enjoy fighting my way through it to write a simple blog and make it look decently right.
Introducing the small web and Donovan’s Messy Desk
I am not the only one. In my digging around the internet, I have found that there is a movement of people who want to go back to very simple blogs. Even in some cases fully text. Not only simple, but not manipulated by companies with their algorithms. This movement is called the ‘small web’. So in the process of fixing this site, I set up another temporary site called ‘Donovan’s Messy Desk‘. Basically, it is a mostly text weblog that talks about my hobby of Personal Knowledge Management. I push to this site using my note taking software, Obsidian, which is mostly simple raw notes.
So stay tuned…
This may go no where, or I might shut this site down in favour of a ‘small web’ site. It will likely be simple, mostly text and 100% my thoughts. No A.I., no algorithms, no trying to make money… just writing online some thoughts to share with some friends like the good ole’ days.
Interested? Check it out! Donovan’s Messy Desk