40 Days With the Sermon on the Mount

I am not sure how I wound up here, but several podcasts I listened to and articles I have read, have focused my attention on Jesus’ sermon on the mount, Matthew 5 – 7. For the next 40 days, I have decided to read, study and meditate on it at least once a day. With this kind of focused reading, I am wondering what kind of impression will this make on me.

Some of my initial questions are:

  1. As a follower and apprentice of Jesus, how then should I live?
  2. As a leader, how then should I lead?
  3. Can the sermon on the mount inform us what a healthy community or organisation should look like?

I highly suspect that these questions will only scratch the surface, but I am already starting to ponder all sorts of other possible questions that I might want to ask of myself.

As time goes along, I will post thoughts on my blog. I initially thought I might want to post something every day, but I felt that might be an artificial goal to set which might detract from the real purpose of reading and meditating on this passage of scripture. I think writing when I feel I have something to write, makes more sense.

Anyhow, stay tuned…!


One response to “40 Days With the Sermon on the Mount”

  1. […] recently blogged about my plan to spend 40 Days With the Sermon on the Mount – Matthew 5 – 7, and here is a short […]